We believe that mothers should be mothered. Happy and supported mothers make an impact on the next generation, their communities, and the world. Motherhood is sanctifying and empowering, but it needs to be supported in a down to earth way. Through motherhood, we find ourselves being pushed and pulled in ways we never imagined. This is hard, bloody, raw, powerful work. This soul-expanding exertion is sacred and worthy of the deepest respect and honoring. Your path through motherhood is a warrior's journey.

Our services and products are designed to validate and support the new mother. We noticed that most services and products being marketed to mothers seem shallow and often fail to provide the deep nourishment needed for the newborn mother. Anciently, communities had traditions that were intended to envelope the mother with real support. They gave food, herbs, warmth, and emotional and physical support. In our modern world, it's harder for us to get this care, but our intuition knows that this is what we deserve.

You deserve to be supported in this magnificent journey.

Sofia Jacobsen - The Mother Seed


Sofia has been in the birth world for 10 years. She’s a trained labor and postpartum doula and is a certified breastfeeding educator and childbirth educator. She attended midwifery school for two years and then paused her education to start The Mother Seed and focus on family. Sofia is now working on a degree in family science.

She gave birth for the first time in 2014 in her home and has had two other empowering home births since. Being a mother to these three babies has impacted the way she teaches and works with new families. She also carried four other babies that ended in miscarriage. These experiences have taught her so much about the power of pain and community.

As the daughter of an immigrant, Sofia believes in the power of connecting with ancestral practices to learn how to best care for babies and parents. She loves to read anthropological texts and case studies and combine them into the education and services to The Mother Seed.

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